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Public Records We Maintain
The Board of County Commissioners maintains public records for its following departments:
We do not maintain the public records of constitutional officers or state agencies.
We only maintain records for the departments listed above.
Public Records Requests
Before making a public records request, please make sure that the information you seek pertains to the departments listed above.
All public records requests should be submitted to the attention of the Columbia County Board of County Commissioners� custodian of public records:
Public Records Custodian
Tel. (386) 758-1326
Fax (386) 758-2182
Email: publicrecords@columbiacountyfla.com
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1529
Lake City, Florida 32056-1529
Physical Address:
135 N.E. Hernando Ave.
Lake City, Florida 32055
Most County records are promptly available to the public upon request. However, to ensure file content is not compromised, files will not be loaned out and may not be removed from the county department or office.
What is a Public Record?
Section 119.011(11). F.S., defines public records to include:
All documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, films, sound
recordings, data processing software, or other material, regardless of the physical
form, characteristics or means of transmission, made or received pursuant to law
or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any
Exceptions To Public Records Information
Although documents that perpetuate, communicate, or formalize knowledge are public records, not all information found in that public record is necessarily subject to dissemination or release. For example, employee personnel files are public records. However, information such as social security numbers is protected and is not to be released.
The following public documents/instruments are examples that may include
sensitive material that is either exempt from the Public Records Act or some
other statutory exemption:
- 911 recordings
- EMS run logs (patient information)
- Fire run logs (patient information)
- Employee records (Florida retirement records, drug screens, medical records)
- Attorney client communications
Documents that contain protected sensitive material will be redacted and the document will then be released to satisfy the public records request.
Fees (No sales tax shall be charged)
Paper size 8 1/2in x 11in, 8in x 14in, or 11in x 17in | ||||
Single sided page | $ .15 per page | |||
Double sided page | $ .20 per page | |||
All Other Copies | Actual cost of duplication | |||
Certified Copy | 1+ pages | $1.00 per certified document | ||
Audio Tape and CD Fees (Will take several days to reproduce.) | ||||
Audio Tapes | Actual cost to County | |||
Data CD | Actual cost to County | |||
Audio CD | Actual cost to County | |||
Labor Fees | *First 15 minutes are free | Employee's hourly rate | ||
Florida Court have stated that “extensive” means taking more than 15 minutes to locate, research, review, redact, copy or remain present while the requestor copies, and/or answers questions and re-file the material. To assess the fee for employee hours spent in excess of 15 minutes, County departments will ascertain the hourly rate paid to the county position(s) compiling and providing the duplication. |
A charge per copy shall also be made when necessary to make multiple copies of a document in order to properly redact exempt information contained in the document.
Exception: County maps, aerial photographs, large format photos may be reproduced and charged a fee to cover the materials used for those duplications. Also, departments may include a reasonable labor and overhead charge associated with the duplication.
(PDF) Download a copy of the Public Records
Request Policy here
Learn more about the Florida Sunshine Law