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About the Board of County Commissioners
The Board of County Commissioners is a five-member board elected to represent the citizens of Columbia County.Each member represents a district and is elected by residents of the district.The commission establishes policies and appoints a County Manager to implement the policies and manage the operation of the County.The Commission adopts the millage rate and annually approves the budget, which determines the expenditures and revenue necessary to operate all County Departments. The powers and duties of the County Commission are established by Florida Statutes, Chapter 125.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Where and when does the Board of County Commissioners meet?
The Board of County Commissioners meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month in the Columbia County School Board Administrative Complex Auditorium, 372 West Duval Street, Lake City, Florida 32055, unless otherwise specified. The first meeting of every month is at 9:30AM while the second meeting of every month takes place at 5:30PM.
How can I find out what issues are on the agenda?
A copy of the agenda for the Board meetings is available in the Office of the County Manager located at the Courthouse Annex, 135 NE Hernando Ave, Lake City, Florida 32055 or View the meeting calendar.
How can I address my concerns to the Board?
The Board accepts public comment on any issues on its agenda. You must contact David Kraus, County Manager at 386-758-1005 two weeks prior to the Board meeting for inclusion on the agenda to address the Board. If you are not scheduled on an agenda to address the Board, you must complete a citizen's input card and submit to board staff, prior to the meeting commencing, for distribution to the Chair. The Chairman of the Board will recognize the public for comment after the pledge to the U.S. flag. You may also phone your commissioners directly at the number listed above, write them at the address above or email your commissioner.