Do I have to connect?
Choose an option to determine whether connecting is required or not:
Current Residents
If utility service is available to a lot in the Service Area and the lot has an existing residential
building and that structure is connected to a well or a septic system…
Then connection will be required only if
- your well or septic tank fails requiring a new permit
- your well becomes contaminated
- a permit is requested
- there is a change in ownership *
- there is a public health risk
* Change in ownership does not include inheritance
Non Residential and New Construction
Nonresidential buildings or structures and buildings or structures, including residential,
built subsequent to the effective date (7/26/10)…
Will be required to be connected
- to the County Water System and/or County Sewer System…before a building permit or
other appropriate permit shall be issued by the County.
- All non-residential establishments are required to connect within six months of service availability.