Is Water or Sewer Service Available?
Columbia County’s Utility Services are only in the Ellisville service district and
are available if:
You are a Single Family residence or an establishment with less than an estimated
1,000 gallons per day of sewerage and have County Water or Sewer located within
100 feet of your lot-line.
You are a Single Family residence, an establishment, a residential or commercial
subdivision or an industrial/manufacturing use with greater than an estimated 1,000
gallons per day of sewerage and have County Water or Sewer located within 1320 feet
of your development.
"Establishment" means any buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment,
recreation or other purposes.
Availability of water or wastewater is subject to a determination by the County
that supply, treatment and/or conveyance capacity exists or that the Connection
is otherwise practicable.
Ellisville Service District With Water Lines